Thursday, November 22, 2007

Hold the Ice, Please

Here's an article I wrote for MD magazine. Yes, this is a real newsstand magazine as well as an online site. The semi-satirical magazine celebrates guilt-free imbibing with a style reminiscient of the 1960s cocktail generation. Disclaimer: This site not for those under 21. Please be responsible and careful when partaking.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Why People Steal Music

This is why the music industry is collapsing: While they fail to secure the electronic distribution rights of older music, they try to make up for phantom lost profits by bundling hit songs with duds into "album purchase only" packages. It is no wonder people steal songs. The MBAs who run these music companies are missing the point of electronic music, I think. Nobody is interested in "albums" anymore (I don't think anybody has been since the artistry of the LP was replaced by the plasticky awkwardness of CD packaging.)

The back catalogs of the following artists are not available on iTunes, as revealed by my recent futile searches:

Def Leppard
Bob Seger

I'm sure there's more to come. When an industry fails to cater to the (admittedly pretty bad) tastes of someone like me, someone who is willing to pay for individual songs from the classic rock era, it writes its own death certificate.

Don't even get me started on the new iTunes-Starbucks partnership.