Tuesday, August 19, 2008

On Turning 40

I turn 40 in January. I'm certainly not as troubled about turning 40 as I was about turning 30, having given up a lot of delusions since then, but I can't say I like it either. Just a few years ago, I was a part of the venerated 18-35 advertising "youth" demographic, the generation everyone wants to cater to or be a part of; in just a few months, I'll be in the legally protected, "over 40" demographic that gets good insurance rates and discounts on root canals. Right now, I'm in the dreaded "in between."

Just for kicks, here's a list of writers who died before or just after turning 40: Flannery O'Connor, Stephen Crane, Jack London, Edgar Allan Poe, and Sylvia Plath. I guess it's not safe to a be a naturalist of a gothicist.


Charlotte Corday said...

A friend of mine recently turned 40 also. She was, lets admit it, feeling weird about it. But she deffinitely changed her pov after someone told her "welcome to the 4th floor". It's not about going backwards, but about getting one step higher in the life-building.

D. Brian Anderson said...

I appreciate your positive perspective on this. I think it helps to think about how young people often feel frustrated and powerless being young, and they're always eager to accomplish things. You have to appreciate the value of being at a different stage in life, with all the attendant pros and cons.

Say, what's your real name, anyway? I think you're pretty mysterious.